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Available appointment dates will show on

Step 3 of registration.


Please check that you enter the correct information - especially the correct email address and the confirmation, drop off and pre-op instructions will be sent to that email address. 


Note that on page 3 you will select the date and then select                 from one of three packages:

$60 Cat Spay/Neuter includes surgery, pain medicine, spay tattoo,

Rabies and FVRCP vaccinations for $60 

Outdoor Cat - includes surgery, pain medicine, spay tattoo,

Rabies and FVRCP vaccination plus an ear tip and dose of

flea prevention (Revolution) for $60 

We recommend the outdoor package for outdoor, indoor/outdoor       cats as well as community cats. 


Under Services you can a microchip $5, Felv/Fiv test $20

or Revolution $5

When registering TNR (Community/Stray/Unowned/ Feral Cats)

please choose female as the gender unless you know the cat is male.

TNR cats MUST be in a humane live trap for the tech's safety. Contact us if you need to borrow a trap. 



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