1) If the animal normally stays outdoors overnight, he/she must stay indoors the evening before surgery.
2) Animals over four months old MUST have food withdrawn at midnight the night before surgery. This ensures that the animal's stomach is empty by the time he's put under general anesthesia. This lessens the chances that the animal will vomit and aspirate the vomit into his lungs. If your adult pet has eaten on the morning of surgery, we will refuse surgery.
3) Pediatric animals (4 months or younger ONLY ) should have food available until 6:00AM on the morning of surgery. This helps to avoid decreased blood sugar level.
4) Water should not be withdrawn prior to surgery.
Please drive to the back of the mall and you will see our banner. We are closer on the Rural King end of the mall.
1) Your check in time will . Please be prompt as groups are scheduled at 15 minute intervals.
2) We have a very strict surgical schedule that must be followed. It is very important that you arrive on time.
3) Plan to be here 10-15 minutes for the check-in process.
The vet will check each cat before surgery. Any cat deemed unhealthy will not receive surgery due to the risk of complications. Kittens must weigh 2 pounds to be eligible for surgery.
1) Cats must be in a clean pet carrier commercially manufactured for the purpose of transporting felines with a secured door. We DO NOT ACCEPT animals in cardboard boxes, plastic totes, laundry baskets, or other non-standard or homemade devices.
2) Do not put multiple cats in one carrier. Your pet needs to be able to lie down comfortably in the carrier after surgery. Your pet may be agitated or aggressive when they go home due to the after-effects of anesthesia. Cats that routinely get along well may not be tolerant of each other in the immediate post-operative period.
Please bring cat in a hard shell carrier as it easier on the cat. One cat per carrier. Cat must be in a PET carrier at check-in.
We appreciate as much notice as possible if you need to reschedule your appointment as we often have a waiting list.
• Once surgical procedures are completed and after full recovery from anesthesia, animals are discharged from the clinic the same day as surgery.
•Our doors are locked until these discharge times. It's important to arrive on time. If you arrive early please wait in your car while we get your pet ready to go home.
• Plan to be here 20-30 minutes for discharge. Please note that in the rare event of unforeseen circumstances at the clinic there may be a longer wait at discharge.
• We will review the After Surgery Instructions with you. You will be told what to expect over the next few days as your pet recovers from surgery.
• You will be told of any conditions or medical issues the veterinarian may have found during examination which may require follow up at a full service veterinary clinic.
• Your pet had major surgery with general anesthesia, which means he/she was unconscious during the operation.
• In female cats, the uterus and ovaries are removed through a small incision in the abdominal wall.
• In male cats, the scrotum is not removed, only the testicles. Male dogs have an incision just above the scrotum. Male cats have two incisions, one in each side of the scrotum. Male cats may appear as if they still have testicles. This is normal – the swelling should subside gradually through the recovery period.
• We strongly recommend you keep your pet confined in a crate or small room the night after surgery. Due to the anesthesia, your pet will have an issue regulating his/her temperature so it is important that you provide a warm, safe place for recovery.
• Your pet may be groggy when you get home, experiencing a "hang-over" from the anesthesia. Your pet will typically require 18-24 hours to recover from the general anesthesia. Most animals will be back to normal when the anesthesia leaves their system entirely.
• Your pet may sleep much more than normal for 18-24 hours following surgery.
• You pet may be a little agitated or aggressive due to the after-effects of anesthesia. Avoid handling the animal too much as he/she may try to bite or scratch you.
• Isolate the animal from children and other pets. He may be more prone to snapping or nipping at other pets and even children due to the after-effects of anesthesia.
• Your pet may have poor balance. This will make climbing stairs or getting in and out of the car more difficult than usual, so be ready to assist. Help your dog in and out of the car as sudden movements can damage his stitches. Lift the dog by wrapping your arms around the dog’s chest/front legs and rear/back legs.
• Make sure your cat has a comfortable spot to sleep in a confined, secure, quiet place. Once she's settled, she's likely to sleep it off and will be fine upon awakening.
• In-heat females need to be kept away from males. If your female cat was in heat at the time of surgery, you must keep her away from unneutered males for at least two weeks. While she is now unable to become pregnant, she will still attract intact males for a short period of time. If a male attempts to breed a female at this point, it can cause serious, life threatening damage.
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